Posts tagged sam dobson
Joya: AiR / Sam Dobson / UK

“One thing that Joya: AiR taught me to do in such a short amount of time, was to allow myself time and space. Time away from the distractions and complications of everyday life, and space to breathe: to reconnect with myself. Once I had these two elements, the core beliefs within my art practice and even in myself, began to rise to the surface of my mind from my subconscious.

I came to Joya: AiR the week after my BA Fine Art degree show, and although I found the transition from art school to Joya: AiR to be very different and often daunting at times, it has pushed me to realise new starting points and allowed me to meet innovative and interesting creatives from all over the world. My practice has shifted and explored various avenues of interest, and I now have the solid foundations to develop on in the future.

I am very thankful to Donna and Simon for such a rich and fruitful opportunity to test my practice out in an environment opposite to the bustling northern city I am used to”.


Sam Dobson