Joya: AiR / Tinca Veerman / NDL
photo Simon Beckmann
“Joya: AiR is astonishing and mesmerising.
Arriving, I immediately forgot the plan I wanted to work on, I even forgot it instantly on arrival when I saw everything around me.
There was so much beauty, silence and at the same time sounds, dryness with so much colour and energy.
It was so great to feel the wind, meeting the fox in the middle of the night, walking up the mountain early in the morning.
Being so small as a human being and unimportant and at the same time questioning myself: Can I be part of this thing that is bigger than me?
I decided to start playing, intuitively playing with what I see, feel, hear and smell. I transferred my feelings of all the things I saw when I had my walks or was just sitting and feeling the wind while looking at the mountains.
While working in the studio and at the same time bringing these works outside back to connect with the world around me made me play even more.
The importance of being connected to your unconsciousness became really intense and powerful at this place. Realizing that the place where you are dictates your actions when being aware of the energy that surrounds you.
I am very thankful I could spend some time at Joya: AiR. I felt so welcome and surrounded by such beautiful warmth that will resonate with me for quite a while”.