Joya: AiR / Mireia Molina Costa / ESP
photo Simon Beckmann
As if attention to anything a funny goat or a stone or earth embedding your feet
would soak in light
the warmth of this place grows through knowing it is an ecological project that the Beckmann family have invested in to care for la tierra de los Vélez. To care for something needs awareness.
A conscious attention to where you inhabit.
This makes me think of Jiddu Krishnamurti:
“Silence is something that comes naturally when you are watching without motive, without any kind of demand, just to watch, to see the beauty of a single star in the sky, or to watch a single tree in a field (...) Then it that watching, in that alertness, there is something that is beyond words, beyond all measure.”
Here, time is suspended
and it expands without rush through the infinite mountain paths where the only obstacle you could possibly find is you – and when such silence is confronted with the attention and self-respect necessary to create, this place enhances your creativity. Perhaps that is why everyone seemed to have such vivid dreams, here.
Mira com el silenci s’inunda de tu,
i ets tu desfent-hi a dintre,
fort com la terra blanca.
El silenci sempre t’enfronta amb alguna cosa, es destapa una veritat inundada. Dins l’estudi que comparteixes amb altres artistes, omplert i buidat cada setmana, no hi ha cap altra veritat que tu mateixa. Del fons de tu mateixa és d’on surt l’obra d’art, o de poesia.
Mira com un moment se’t desfà dins dels ulls.
Mira com un instant es suspèn en l’aire
The house is built with the energy of this place, a sort of awareness of yourself. When I arrived at Joya: AiR the concrete surfaces and the white walls created a big silence, as if emptied from any judgement. The studio shares this – with a similar energy to the humidity of the air during the firsts days at Los Gázquez after the cold drop, saying “something happened here”. Other artists you might never meet have been creating here. You share the place where creation moves the air. It empties itself and refills with the awareness of creation.
Com una ametlla caient d’un arbre.
Caminant pel parc natural t’enfrontes a la veritat d’aquest lloc. Després de la gota freda, una emergència climàtica crida en silenci.
This place makes you exist saying there is so much time
while its silence says “a horrific stormed just passed,
did you know it is only getting bigger
did you know there’s not much time
to stop it”
“Silence is a denial of noise – but the smallest noise in the midst of silence becomes enormous.”
Joan Miró
Silence is what poetry does:
poetry creates silence around words
so that words weigh more.
Joya:AIR does this with its artists.
Mireia Molina Costa
Instagram @mireiamolina_