Joya: AiR / Talia Stone / NED

photo Simon Beckmann

Joya: AiR / Talia Stone / NED

‘An ant walks near my feet, stops at the little chunk of muesli I dropped and picks it up. The grain is twice her size, and she stumbles on her hind legs while waddling over the cool concrete. I follow her nearing a hole in the wall, where her fellow ants help her carry her prize inside. I take another bite of my breakfast and sip my green tea. The leaves of the olive tree above me crackle in tune with the tingling sound of the light metal strings hanging in the door to keep the flies out. The buzzing bees and a melodic bird add to my little morning orchestra. As I write this in my journal, I can’t wait to start another day here at Joya: AIR.

The peaceful household, surrounded by endless trails for exploring, mountain views and blue skies, are a fantastic framework for days of writing. My senses are wide open, my brain feels soft -but in a good way, while I work effortlessly.

Sometimes one of the other residents glides by, and we chat or decide to go for a walk together. Or they pull me inside their studio for a second opinion. We share stories, ideas and jokes in the evenings while enjoying Donna’s delicious meals. Spending your days like this is such a luxury, and I wish it could last forever.

I’ve grown as a writer here; I can’t explain it.

But it’s interesting to notice that the serenity of the environment has crept into my stories. I wrote this one sentence about two characters who are fishing together. When I read it later, I laughed out loud and thought: That’s me!

Here is the sentence: ‘They enjoy the stillness, defying the fast-paced life around them.’

If my book ever comes out, I might have to name Joya AiR as co-writer’.

Talia Stone

Simon Beckmann