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Joya: AiR / Joseph Costi / VEN

photo Joseph Costi

Joya: AiR / Joseph Costi / Venezuela

‘It’s hard to explain how inspiring and significant my time at Joya: AiR was. I went with the idea that I wanted to get a lot of work done. I had no idea that the environment that I found myself in was going to redefine the whole conception of what I wanted to do. 

The first factor that I wasn’t aware was going to impact my practice so directly was the nature around me. Every morning I’d wake up early so I could witness the dawn, the colours were incredible, I couldn't get enough of this for the whole month I was there. Then every day I’d go on walks and explore the land around Joya. That experience made me feel very much in touch with nature and it grounded me in a way that I haven’t felt in a long time. 

The second factor was the community at Joya: AiR, Simon and Donna were very accommodating and made us feel part of their family. Every night we had the most delicious and wholesome meals cooked by Donna and Simon made banging Paellas too. They also taught us more about the beautiful project that they started together and how they have slowly builded a very unique experience for an artist that keeps developing and growing.

The third factor was the people we met. The fellow residents became a key element of the experience as we made friends for life. Also sharing my progress with the artists was a big influence in my process and helped me unlock certain blocks I had in my practice. I'm still processing the time I spent at Joya as it was extremely meaningful to me as an artist and human being’. 

Joseph Costi

Having studied classical composition in his native country Venezuela, Joseph moved to London to continue his composition studies and received a BA first class in Jazz and Composition from Middlesex University. 

After graduating he became involved in several projects that have taken him all around the UK and Europe. Some notable artists he has played/recorded with are Yusuf Cat Stevens, Dizraeli, Tom Herbert, Heidi Vogel (Cinematic Orchestra)

Since the pandemic he has been building his own studio and started exploring  by composing and recording music for short films, documentaries, collaborations with other artists as well as songwriting.